2-in-1 robot vacuums can easily switch betweenvacuuming and mopping to ensure dust, debris and stains are managed in the most efficient and methodical way.

S9 Plus

S9 Plus

Imprint Link Technology



Map & Clean Your Home - Vacuuming - Mopping Automatically



IRobot® Roomba® I7 - WI-FI®

Powerful suction ensures efficient pickups of pet hair, dirt, dust and debris hidden in carpets. Slim profile allows the robot to clean under and around furniture.



Robot vacuum cleaner Robot Hút Bụi

The all-new TidalPower Cleaning System thoroughly cleans stubborn stains that common robot mop cannot, like milk, ketchup, coffee and footprints.

Handles all the cleaning tasks of your entire house, even interior of the car, picking up dust, crumbs, pet hair, debris, and even beans in high efficiency.